Hey you!☺️ Thanks for taking that detour just now & making a pitstop to my place! 🙏 You just made the BEST choice for yourself all day & you’ll soon enough find out why! 😘 So, why dont you take your shoes off, get comfortable & stay a while!? If you do, you’ll find RARE deals & offers here with ME that you just won’t be able to pass up AND that MOST sellers & shops don’t dare to give to even their most valued & loyal customers! 😎🤫🤭
SO, you wanna get to know your newest seller & your new favorite place to shop?!😍 Okay then, here we go!…
Hi! 😃 My name is Brittany, im 36 & I am a VERY PROUD Mama of a beautiful, sweet baby boy who just turned 2 this past summer that i completely love, cherish and adore with my entire being! & we are here to sell & GIVE NWT/NWOT/VGUC & GUC baby clothes & accessories! Also SOME women’s clothes in sizes anywhere between LG-2X
—-(Very few women’s items in sizes S,M & 3X, but occasionally have those sizes in stock)——
(Please continue to read for a very special offer/gift!🎁I usually have more than one offer happening at the same time, but not always a “gift” But you’ll know when you’ve actually found it!🎁😊🎁) make sure you read every last word of this! Even past the point where you get your “gift“ because when you think you’ve seen and read all the offers, deals and freebies that I have to offer you, there’s even MORE! 😍And if you don’t snag these wonderful opportunities while they are here right now, then the next person will, and then you may have missed out on TRUE GREATNESS that you just don’t see every day, and by the time you come back, these deals could in fact be gone, and for quite some time🤭 Stay tuned for new and constant listings that are always being posted!… Now back to where we were!⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
Okay, okay! Onto the fun part that makes reading ALL of this worth your precious and greatly appreciated time! 🙏🥰 ⬇️⬇️⬇️
✨Anyone who purchases baby gear(even if not bundling items) will also receive FREE clothes along with their order! 🤑😍🤩🥳 (But WAIT!! Thats not everything that I have to offer you! So, keep on reading!)
I have WAYYY too much baby & toddler gear(clothes)for my Little guy!!(seriously! Enough for 3-4 kids in EACH Size from 3-6M & up to 5 years!!😵💫) Not quite sure where my head was at when i was preggers🤰🏼 & shopping for him!🤦🏼♀️😂 i just bought anything & everthing adorable that i laid eyes on, without a single thought of where it was all going to go!🤷🏼♀️My house looks like a baby depot😳🤣(but much more organized, of course! Lol!) …. Anyway!….. I would say about 8O% of all the brand new clothes that ive bought him over these last few years, he’s either never even worn; or only has once with MOST outfits & the rest 2-3 times, at most! But i’ve also bought pre-owned outfits in vguc/guc for him too.( always mentions in the descriptions of my listings if I bought them preowned!) ….He is a super, super tall baby boy who LOVESSSS to completely skip sizes and make me slightly sad that there’s A LOT he never even got to try on, LOL!
He truly does have an adorably unique style that you just dont see every day on babies/kids & its with over half of his outfits!😎 lol!
- In our neck of the Woods, he’s known as the “kardashian baby”(🤦🏼♀️😂)bcuz of his certain style & bcuz he’s veryyy rarely ever seen wearing something more than once! LOL! (Nickname absolutely NOT given by me!)But I suppose it’s truly fitting for him!🤷🏼♀️😑😂🤦🏼♀️🤣 hahaha!
✨Sooooo, things he is MOSTLY seen wearing and known for are skulls, tons&tons of skulls!☠️(just like his Mama! 😎😂)✨wears a lotttttt of black! ✨Bats✨Jack Skellington✨Famous Horror Film Characters✨New England Patriots✨Dinosaurs✨Kyte✨KQ✨PoshP✨P.B✨L.S✨G.H✨K.Kik✨Rags✨L.B✨NuNuNu✨Disney✨Vintage(occassionally)✨Handmades
✨Boutiques- sooooo, soooooo many boutique companies & all the BEST Bamboo & 1OO% organic cotton companies as well! & much, much, MUCH MORE!😍😃…
The list of companies & styles could seriously go on FOREVER! But i won’t do that, you’ll just have to check out my lil’ shop over time to see what catches your eye! 👁️😍😉
✨I have multiple closets, Dressers & storage totes to go through..its insanity! 🫣😳 did i mention it looks like a baby depot up in here?!👀🤦🏼♀️😂
🌟SIDE NOTE!🌟if you do decide to follow me, bare with me! I am a single mom with a full-time job where I am the only employee at my department for the co. I work for ( no resting days for me. Lol) & my baby is with me 24/7(even at work) So I may not be the quickest with listings during summer, but I can promise you that I list/post once a week, at the least!! So! Don’t forget to hit those “FOLLOW“ & “FAVORITE“ buttons to get first dibs on anything I post that is new, or for any price drops & sent offers that you may want to look for!!! 🤩
✨ What do I have for sizes? It’ ll be Anywhere between 3-6Month to 24M/2T... 3T coming very soon! And a ton of it is unisex/gender, neutral
For those who read alllll the wayyyy through, THANK YOU for taking the time to get to know me as a seller, Mama & friend! 🙏😌 (not everyone takes the time to get to know people anymore!) SO!!! For my special potential customers that actually did, I just want to say thanks for being Human still! 🤣🤣 AND CONGRATULATIONS! HERE’S YOUR GIFT!🎁⬇️
( and even more offers,deals&gifts if you keep reading to the end!!)
➡️You’ve just been rewarded with an EXTRA discount with ANY bundle you create & purchase! ♥️YAYYYY!!!! 🤑😍🥳
All you have to do is Send me
⬇️⬇️THIS Code/Hashtag below⬇️⬇️
➡️ #SJD2121 ⬅️ Copy/Paste/Send;
Voilà!! And just like that your additional discount will be added & given to you, ( manually by me as It’s NOT a special offer by Vinted!) on top of the bundling discounts that i already have set to my account that Vinted allows us to give!🤑 My bundle discounts that ARE given by Vinted that us sellers set up ourselves are always changing!… Pretty frequently I will set it to 50% off on 3+ items. So keep a lookout for that amazing offer! You don’t want to miss out on that when the time comes around for it! 😍
I typically give the 50% off discount with the bundles that have 3 or more items per order a FEW different times in a year! And every year!! and YES, I do in fact still give freebies with ALL orders when i enable the 50% off bundle discount!
FREE clothes are ALWAYS given with any purchase on baby gear, whether it’s one item or a bundle! I fit as much as I possibly can in the package without exceeding over the weight limit of the parcel size chosen for your order! Even if you ordered just one onesie, & its a small/1 lb weight limit, I will stuff about a pounds worth of free clothes in it for you! ( that’s including the weight of ur actual purchased item(s) along with the freebies!
Just remember! That the bigger the package, the more FREE clothes i can include for your adorable, special, little loved one!! 😍
I would just like to say Thanks again for stopping by & taking interest in my shop & getting to know me as a Mama, your friend & newest seller at ur favorite place to shop (of course! Right?! 😉🤣). It is very much appreciated! I am only here because of you, and I truly appreciate you just as much as you appreciate me! ♥️
⬇️One last important note/suggestion below⬇️
So, PLEASE don’t be shy!! I URGE you to submit what you think YOUR best price is that you can offrer when you find something that you just HAVE to have! Even If YOU think its too low of an offer, SUBMIT IT! Bcuz i veryyy rarely think of an offer being to low to be accepted! You won’t know unless you try! And with as much as I have to get rid of, I’ve been known to let items go for a much lower price than one would think! 😉!!
- Kledingkast
- Reviews